
1st #NFT #Twitter #Auction for 111 Year Old Artists

Tom J LoPresti #Nft #twitter #auction for 1st Oil Painting NFT - the #Ducks - Happy Feet! 111 year old artists work now on the #algorand #blockchain forever!!!

The Traditional Twitter Auction happened, and was a success, The Auction Ran for 24 Hours, and received multiple bids, from multiple people. Description: #NFTAuction for 1st @T_LoP_ Duck#OilPainting Duck#ducks Duck#NFT 24 HR Auction / 50 #ALGO Opening Bid +5 Min 4 Last Min Snipping - If Auction Reaches 200A - A Print will be Sent to the Winner, if Over 500A the Original 8x10 will be sent to the Winner. @Graffealgorand

WON the 1st OilPainting Auction for 200 ALGO - I will also be sending her the painting as a show of #gratitude and #support of this personal project.. it means a great deal to have the support of Her and the #algofam, such great Artists here... I can feel the Love!

Thank you @Graffealgorand and the #algofam for your support @AlgoBones

@MrBoredBeast @Gekofam @shaynes44580421 @AlgoFotos

for Bidding and for being there! CC: @quicksandcream

We are making history here peeps! Thank you Thank You Thank you! #AlgoFam #NFTfamily. The support has been nothing short of amazing, as an NFT artist or collector, I would check out the #algorand #blockchain if you haven't already!!


Tom’s first #NFT #Sketchbook #Art drop was a success!


79 piece NFT duck doodle collection mint process