111 Year old Artist sets up set by step a Randgallery #NFT #Shuffle for OG NFT #PFPs #Algorand #ALGO
111 Year Old Artist Thomas LoPresti Drops 1966 NFT Sketchbook from Ogunquit, Maine and Collaborates with Leading Edge Artificial Intelligence Artist @AlgoAbstractions
111 Year old Artist sets up Discord #ALGO #NFT project - Surreal Doodle Drop Giveaway & Shuffle
This NFT collection "OLD meets NEW" by CrytoShaynes inspired from a 1966 Thomas J LoPresti Sketchbook.
79 piece NFT duck doodle collection minted on Rand Gallery for a #nfts collection drop shuffle
1st #NFT #Twitter #Auction for 111 Year Old Artists #OilPainting #ducks - #HappyFeet #algorand
The Randgallery Drop Shuffle happened, and was a success, selling out in under 5 hours!!!! It consisted of two separate Sketchbooks one from 1971 and the other from 1962!
#NFT SketchBook Drop Collection of 111 Year Old Thomas J LoPresti on RandGallery #AGORAND
#NFT 60 year old #sketchbook now #NFTs - #grandfathers #artshow #watercolors #beach #boats #capecod
1st #NFT SketchBook Drop Collection of 111 Year Old Thomas J LoPresti on RandGallery #Algorand #ALGO
Ever since I inherited many pieces of my Grandfathers Artwork, I wanted to share it with the World. One day his Artwork will be NFT’s