
111 Year old Artist sets up set by step RandGallery Mint and Shuffle

111 Year old Artist sets up a Randgallery #NFT shuffle for OG NFT PFPs.

Profile Pictures NFTs have become all the Rage, Tom for-saw that and created 100's of NFT PFPs yoears ago in the 40's 50's 60's and early 70's. As his grandson I have been scanning his work in with the help of my Father, Tom's Son Rich (@Bikerlop). We have been honoring my grandfather since the 1st of the year and people have collected over 235 pieces of his various artworks. This had been very exciting to me and my family, and we hope to continue putting my grandfathers artwork on the blockchain forever.

In this video, we mint 51 OG PFP's as seen in this video on @randgallery https://www.randgallery.com/algo-coll... and then created a slideshow on the Apple Computer using Photos, and then Created a Contact Sheet of all the NFT''s using https://gandr.io/ - from there we mass accept NFT ASA's and the mass send ASA's using Rand's Creator tools....

Creating, Collecting, Non Fungible Tokens (NFTs) - Should not be intimidating


111 Year Old Artist Drops 1966 #NFT Sketchbook from Ogunquit Maine and Collabs w/ AI Artist