
111 Year Old Artist Drops 1966 #NFT Sketchbook from Ogunquit Maine and Collabs w/ AI Artist

111 Year Old Artist Thomas LoPresti Drops 1966 NFT Sketchbook from Ogunquit, Maine and Collaborates with Leading Edge Artificial Intelligence Artist @AlgoAbstractions to bring 5 of Toms Sketchbook Sketches to life! Will be dropping these soon and having auctions on Twitter, Discord etc... follow @T_LoP_ on Twitter

AlgoAbstractions - @AlgoAbstraction on Twitter

Creator of abstract works, both still and animated. Interested in cross media art: the intersection between visual art and poetry and literature.

Link Tree: https://linktr.ee/algoabstractions

Creating, Collecting, Non Fungible Tokens (NFTs) - Should not be intimidating


111 Year old Artist sets up Discord #ALGO #NFT project


111 Year old Artist sets up set by step RandGallery Mint and Shuffle